Stayed with my friend Sharon and her 3 kitties. Taught an all-day Friday beading class for 14. One item in the morning and another in the afternoon. It included everyone from very advanced beaders to never-threaded-a-needle-in-my-life, and all had a good time.
I taught the necklace Planetary Gears (Steam/Bead Punk Style) and some ladies wore their necklaces home that afternoon. The second class was beading around a crystal pendant from Bead City in Tampa. Look at their website for some great values in beads - better yet stop in and say Hi to Jim.
For instructions of the Planetary Gears, in PDF format, email me at and I'll send them to you.
If you are in the Madiera Beach, Fl area, I am teaching classes at Celestial Beads, so drop in, look at the class schedule and sign up to take a class with me or one of the other great beading instructors.
Until next month, the beading tip is: Shorter thread means less knots. Or for those who don't like to add thread, pulling thread through the beads more s-l-o-w-l-y means less knots.